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Computer Center

Our Computer Center was opened in April 2015 with 8 students (6 girls and 2 boys) in Guntur.  Shoshana provided a few computers and some furniture. The local organization that our Computer Center works with is paying for the maintenance of the center. Two computer teachers from Guntur volunteer to teach different computer related courses like web design, animation, graphic design, editing, Photoshop etc., which are expensive and not taught in public schools and colleges. 

For each course our center accepts regular paying students to cover their expenses and an additional 5 needy boys and girls who can attend free of charge. Besides theoretical classes, the center also offers a good lab facility. Course duration varies from 1 month to 5 months, depending on the course. We provide a certificate for each completed course and our center even helps the students to find a job - so far we had around 350 graduates.
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