CDS - Shoshana Blog
For the most recent pictures, stories and updates please check out Bindu's blog at
Shoshana Report in the Haller Tagblatt - March 2024
A newspaper report in the German Haller Tagblatt about our "Afternoon with Friends" meeting on March 17 in Rosengarten Rieden (Germany). Please click on the picture on the left to see the original report and please click HERE to see it's translation.
2022 Board Member Election
In February 2022 we elected the new members of our board. After 20 years of service Edit Trinkle retired from her position as President. We thank her for her dedication and hard work during her many years of service with Shoshana. We elected Gertraud Zeisberger as the new President and wish her God's blessing in her new position.
Picture left to right Edmund Bäuerle, Gerhard Trinkle, Edith Trinkle
June 2016 - Graduation Time!
After Bindu spent most of the May month with our annual audit, now we are celebrating GRADUATION time! ​After finishing a training program, Shoshana instructors make sure that needy students receive a sewing machine on a small loan. The instructors also make follow- up visits to see that the students have become independent and make use of their new education and are able to use it to improve their better living situation.
2016 Annual Shoshana Meeting of Friends
Sunday, February 21 at 2PM - we are inviting all of our friends that are interested in Shoshana to come to our meeting with info and snacks. Martha will give us an update on the progress of our projects with a slide show around 3PM. She is looking forward to seeing everyone.